One of the primary objectives of Numero Otto, aimed at putting the emphasis on sustainability, is to drastically reduce waste; for this reason, most of the leathers used to make our garments derive from unused material from farms for food production.

This is how sustainability also becomes synonymous with guarantee and quality through Welfur and fur mark, the programs to which Numero Otto adheres, through which it is possible to monitor the traceability of the product.

All the other fibers used for the creation of the collections, such as wool, cashmere and cotton, are of natural origin and are colored with non-polluting products.


Fur is known to be practically eternal. Fur garments are always in trend, because they can be renewed, and this possibility of changing style makes them timeless.

They can be repaired, reshaped, resold, extending the life cycle of a fur garment to decades. This is a completely different approach than today’s fast fashion.

Fur is an eco-sustainable product, supplied by nature and as such easily disposed of. 150 billion items of clothing are produced every year, 60% of which are synthetic. Of these pieces, 73% ends up in landfills where synthetic materials do not biodegrade.

They will remain in landfills for decades. On the other hand, real fur degrades at the same rate as an oak leaf, as it is 100% biodegradable.

Using fabrics and accessories all made with natural materials, NUMERO OTTO helps fight plastic pollution, which is extremely dangerous for the environment.

Fur is a circular fashion where nothing goes to waste.

The fur industry worked for circularity long before the circular economy became a buzz. It works constantly to minimize the environmental impact and negative impacts of processes.


One of the primary objectives of Numero Otto, aimed at putting the emphasis on sustainability, is to drastically reduce waste; for this reason, most of the leathers used to make our garments derive from unused material from farms for food production.

This is how sustainability also becomes synonymous with guarantee and quality through Welfur and fur mark, the programs to which Numero Otto adheres, through which it is possible to monitor the traceability of the product.

All the other fibers used for the creation of the collections, such as wool, cashmere and cotton, are of natural origin and are colored with non-polluting products.


Fur is known to be practically eternal. Fur garments are always in trend, because they can be renewed, and this possibility of changing style makes them timeless.

They can be repaired, reshaped, resold, extending the life cycle of a fur garment to decades. This is a completely different approach than today’s fast fashion.

Fur is an eco-sustainable product, supplied by nature and as such easily disposed of. 150 billion items of clothing are produced every year, 60% of which are synthetic. Of these pieces, 73% ends up in landfills where synthetic materials do not biodegrade.

They will remain in landfills for decades. On the other hand, real fur degrades at the same rate as an oak leaf, as it is 100% biodegradable.

Using fabrics and accessories all made with natural materials, NUMERO OTTO helps fight plastic pollution, which is extremely dangerous for the environment.

Fur is a circular fashion where nothing goes to waste.

The fur industry worked for circularity long before the circular economy became a buzz. It works constantly to minimize the environmental impact and negative impacts of processes.


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